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Additional Services

In over your head? Pool Scouts offers a menu of services to meet your swimming pool needs! Check out some of our additional services below:

Kickstart Service

Pool Scouts technician spraying off a pool filterFor those of you who keep your pool open year-round, we haven’t forgotten about you! You’ve been staring at your beautiful pool all winter long, but the truth is your pool needs some TLC before you plunge in. Our Kickstart Service includes water testing, water shock, balance, remove debris, blow off pool deck, scrub water edge tile and check of all equipment. Leaving your pool balanced, clean, healthy, and swim ready when you are!

Green Pool Service

When chemical levels are thrown off, it can cause algae to grow in the pool, turning the pool water green. When this happens, it is necessary to “shock” the water with chemicals in order to kill the algae and return the pool levels back to normal. Water without chemicals, especially if it has an algae problem, is unsafe to swim in, and can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects. Let us do the dirty work and you’ll be shocked at the difference we can make within just a couple of days!

Saltwater Conversion

Residential Pool Company in your local area!Do you have a chlorinated pool? Call Pool Scouts to hear the benefits of having a salt water system! For instance, did you know that salt systems are easier to maintain and have consistent water levels compared to a chlorinated pool? Instead of handling and storing chlorine, you just keep baking soda in the shed! Meaning fewer chemicals and trips to the store. Life has never been easier! By the end of the call, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to convert.

Pool Cover Replacements

Your pool cover takes a beating in the inclement weather and may retain damage during the winter months. Pool Scouts can replace your worn, torn cover for you. We’ll remove your cover, send it to the manufacturer, and deliver the new cover to your home. All you have to do is pick out the color and we’ll take care of the rest!

Don’t see what you are looking for? Our trained technicians are well versed in multiple services. Give us a call at 844-775-2742 to learn how we can help you!